Course curriculum

    1. Before we begin...

    2. Waiver

    3. Learning Objectives

    4. Cheat Sheet

    1. LIVE - Myths and Misconceptions

    2. Homework: Smiling Into Sleep

    1. 1-1 Sleep Terms

    2. 1-2 Normal Sleep

    3. 1-3a Sleep Hygiene - The Basics

    4. 1-3b Sleep Hygiene - Strategies

    5. 1-3c Sleep Hygiene - More Strategies

    6. Module 1 Test your learning

    7. BONUS: Sleep terms Quick Reference

    1. LIVE - Impact of Sleep Deprivation

    2. LIVE - Sleep Hygiene Tracking

    3. Homework - Sleep Hygiene Tracking

    4. Question about Tracking accountability

    1. 2-1 Intro to Sleep Problems

    2. 2-2a Insomnia

    3. 2-2b Hypersomnia

    4. 2-2c Depression

    5. 2-2d Anxiety-Stress

    6. 2-2e Trauma

    7. 2-2f ADHD

    8. 2-3a Parasomnias

    9. 2-3b Breathing Disorders

    10. 2-3c Movement Disorders

    11. 2-3d Circadian Disorders

    12. 2-3e Bruxism

    13. 2-3f Sleep Paralysis

    14. Module 2 Test your learning

    1. LIVE: Homework Review

    2. LIVE: Sleep History Questionnaire Administration

    3. Homework: Sleep History Questionnaire

About this course

  • $397.00
  • 78 lessons
  • 17 hours of video content

Start today to help your clients sleep well!